Friday, 23 November 2012


OK, iv been thinking about speedpainting and photomanipulation lately because working with concepts in there nature there should be gernerated quickly useing a combination of matt painting techniques and digital painting.

So heres my atempt at it it took about 40 mins alltogether, i would like to be able to produce work to the same standard ut in about half the time so between 20 - 30 mins would be ideal.

Monday, 12 November 2012

(DISTRACTION FROM P5) PERFECT SHOT - experiment in digital painting

ok, im bored of working on the wind and the willows stuff at the mo so iv set myself a little project that is an experiment to see how well i can paint without relying on textures , , , , , HEAVEN FORBID a digital artist not using textures HAHAHA

anyway here we go these are the shots of my work in progress from start to finish -

OK, so all together it took about 9 hours. SO i have come to a dramatic conclusion that i love using textures simply because it saves so much time. being able to paint the detail by hand is a valuable skill to have but it simply takes to much time. If i was using textures i could of probably completed this in around 4 hours. 

shows how concepts can be recycled and show something completely different if neccercary